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Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

sweet Asem Rujak Kangkung (Rujak Kangkung Asem Manis)

How to cook sweet Asem Rujak Kangkung

10 bunch watercress, stems 8-10
1 small cucumber, washed, cut into thin oblique

10 cayenne pepper
3 red peppers
1 teaspoon shrimp paste (terasi)
salt to taste
200 gr palm sugar (java sugar)
1/2 teaspoon tamarind (java tamarind)


Rujak Kangkung Asem Manis

How to cook:

  1. A. had kale, select the section of the young, then boiled and drained.
  2. Sauce: Crush chili pepper, red pepper, shrimp paste, salt and brown sugar until blended, add the tamarind and if necessary, mix 1-3 tablespoons of cooking water.
  3. Stir in cooked spinach, cucumber, and chili sauce together.
  4. wait ....!!! Hold on do not be eaten. Let the moment 3-5 minutes. In order Rujaknya sauce soak into the swamp.
  5. Can be added with Tahu, Tempe and crackers uyel / cans. 
 good luck!

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